About Website
Bible Search
T H E Series
Terms & Conditions
Website Archives

Developer's Message:

Recently, as I have been delving into the Bible, I've discovered numerous connections between different parts of the text from just a single verse-- even a single word. The idea to create this website emerged upon encountering several Bible platforms that either charge a fee or require a subscription for access to analytical tools. Moreover, the completely free websites lacked features I desired for deeper Bible analysis. My vision for this website extends beyond merely offering a Bible Analysis platform. I aim to ensure it remains free, accessible, and user-friendly. Additionally, I want to incorporate a community component that will also remain free as I have observed other websites charging for such features (including subscriptions to recieve devotions), which deeply infuriates me.

If there are

- any bugs/error/misinformation within the website click here

- any suggestions you have to make this website more user friendly click here

- any part of the website you really appreciate and would love to tell us, click here

For a deeper website introduction, click on the logo at the top hand left corner.

Thank you!

Click the Help Button For Complete Utilization of Search Bar
DD/MM/YYYY Devotion Bible Verse(s) Link to Devotion
02/06/2024 Morning Devotion James 1:1 TBA
Afternoon Devotion Genesis 1:1 TBA
Evening Devotion John 1:1 TBA
Testament He Exists Series The Dawn The Promise The Gift The Helper The End
The Prologue Will Be Available Anytime Before "The Dawn" First Release
CHAPTER 1 "I Have a Story to Start" "I Have a Story to Guide" "I Have a Story to Fulfill" "I Have a Story to Tell" "I Have a Story to Reveal"


June 2, 2024


June 9, 2024


June 16, 2024


June 23, 2024


June 30, 2024

Click Here

Developer's Message:

On June 4, 2023, I embarked on a journey to bring my vision to life by learning HTML and CSS. Nearly a year later on June 2, 2024 (having now learned JS, XML, PHP, and SQL in addition to HTML and CSS), I now present my first official website design.

Below, you will find all available rough drafts and designs I created along the way. Please note that these drafts may not be fully functional. Each link will open in a new tab, so you won't lose this page. Enjoy exploring!

Click H E R E for the first website design.

- WARNING: You will see a prototype message that I have not removed; you may ignore it and click "OK".

- Initially, I planned to type out the entire Bible by hand before learning about XML and JS parsing.

- I intended to include a Bible timeline on the website, and this idea is still under consideration.

- I originally chose a grey color theme to depict an "ancient" aesthetic.

- A loading screen was added for every new page the user accessed. These same Bible verses are displayed in the current version when no tab has been clicked.

- My email was initially displayed openly, unaware that bots could harvest it, leading to numerous spam emails. (Note: The email displayed on the website will not work since it is .com and not .org.)

- All of this was before I learned that .org websites typically represent free websites.

Click H E R E for the second website design.

- The introduction of an intro page.

- After learning XML and JS parsing, I implemented a search engine.

- Clicking on the books displayed would simply upload the text to the search bar—I couldn't figure out how to automate the search function.

- The first use of a footer, which included the website's social media links, and my initial attempt at creating a "Terms and Conditions" and "Privacy Policy" section.

- The first use of a favicon as well.

Click H E R E for the original registration design, H E R E for the original login design and H E R E for the original verification design.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The recovery link will send you to the current recovery link.

Click H E R E for the third website design.

- I had not yet developed the habit of adding a favicon.

- This is where tabs were introduced (the first being the devotions tab), with the vision of making this website function like a browser.

- This was only the prototype design for version 4, so several elements were missing, such as the Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, and Intro page.

Click H E R E for the prototype registration design, H E R E for the prototype login design. (I had not designed a new verification page) and finally H E R E for the prototype intro page. (Each redirect is either non-functional or will take you to the current design.)

Click H E R E for the fourth website design.

- I never went through with the prototype intro page "guide" design.

- Originally, there was also no "Side Panel" on the left of the page (though I cannot find that version).

- Including the "Side Panel" also introduced the idea of having a popups instead of a page redirects, but that didn't work too well. This concept is still under consideration for future implementation.

- This is also the version where I got introduced to API for the analysis aspect of the search engine. (Had not quite figured it out just yet)

All these rough designs ultimately led to the current version 5, which can be accessed by clicking H E R E